Jumat, 15 Maret 2013
nama saya jimiansyah saya lahir di muara lawai tanggal 18 12 1997 saya di lahirkan oleh pasangan ahmad saidin dan wati saya sekolah di smp n 5 muara enim cita-cita saya ingin menjadi TNI. hobby saya bermain basket.
Pengertian Siklus Hidrologi dan Penyebab Terjadinya
(Pengertian Siklus Hidrologi dan Penyebab Terjadinya) – Jumlah air di Bumi adalah tetap. Perubahan yang dialami air di bumi hanya terjadi pada sifat, bentuk, dan persebarannya. Air akan selalu mengalami perputaran dan perubahan bentuk selama siklus hidrologi berlangsung. Air mengalami gerakan dan perubahan wujud secara berkelanjutan. Perubahan ini meliputi wujud cair, gas, dan padat. Air di alam dapat berupa air tanah, air permukaan, dan awan.
Air-air tersebut mengalami perubahan wujud melalui siklus hidrologi. Adanya terik matahari pada siang hari menyebabkan air di permukaan Bumi mengalami evaporasi (penguapan) maupun transpirasi menjadi uap air. Uap air akan naik hingga mengalami pengembunan (kondensasi) membentuk awan. Akibat pendinginan terus-menerus, butir-butir air di awan bertambah besar hingga akhirnya jatuh menjadi hujan (presipitasi).
Selanjutnya, air hujan ini akan meresap ke dalam tanah (infiltrasi dan perkolasi) atau mengalir menjadi air permukaan (run off). Baik aliran air bawah tanah maupun air permukaan keduanya menuju ke tubuh air di permukaan Bumi (laut, danau, dan waduk). Inilah gambaran mengenai siklus hidrologi.
Jadi siklus hidrologi adalah lingkaran peredaran air di bumi yang mempunyai jumlah tetap dan senantiasa bergerak. Siklus Hidrologi adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sirkulasi atau peredaran air secara umum.
Siklus hidrologi terjadi karena proses-proses yang mengikuti gejala-gejala meteorologi dan klimatologi sebagai berikut:
- Evaporasi, yaitu proses penguapan dari benda-benda mati yang merupakan proses perubahan dari wujud air menjadi gas.
- Transpirasi, yaitu proses penguapan yang dilakukan oleh tumbuh-tumbuhan melalui permukaan daun.
- Evapotranspirasi, yaitu proses penggabungan antara evaporasi dan transpirasi.
- Kondensasi, yaitu perubahan dari uap air rnenjadi titik-titik air (pengembunan) akibat terjadinya penurunan salju.
- Infiltrasi, yaitu proses pembesaran atau pergerakan air ke dalam tanah melalui pori-pori tanah.
Rabu, 06 Maret 2013
Burnout 3: Takedown
Burnout 3: Takedown
Burnout 3: Takedown is the third game in the Burnout series of video games. Released on September 7, 2004, developed byCriterion Games and published by Electronic Arts (the first Burnout game EA published), the game drew critical acclaim and a large fanbase.
A GameCube version was planned but was scrapped during development. The game was delayed for release in 2003 because of its original publisher Acclaim Entertainment going bankrupt. The game was then picked up by Electronic Arts, the game was then further delayed as changes were made to the game. A 5 lapped race demo was and is still available in the EA game Need For Speed: Underground 2. EA Games shut down all network services on April 15, 2010.
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There are five game modes, including two race modes and three crash modes. Before play starts, players choose their vehicle based on its speed and weight. In the race modes, the player gains "boost" by driving in the oncoming traffic lanes, narrowly avoiding traffic, drifting around bends, getting air time, and by causing competitors' cars to crash (called a "Takedown"). In "Race" mode, the object is to win the race around the track like a standard racing game, while in the "Road Rage" mode, the player must takedown a set number of computer-controlled opponents.
In the "Crash Junction" mode, the player is not racing opponents on a track. Instead, in each crash attempt, the player races at high speeds towards an intersection and tries to do as much monetary damage to the vehicles there as possible, while collecting cash and multiplier bonuses.
In any mode, medals are awarded for achieving certain scores. These medals are used to unlock hidden tracks and vehicles.
Burnout 3 features 173 different events in the offline mode, and 67 cars to unlock, including a City Bus, Truck Cab, Fire Truck, and a Trash Truck for use in the Crash mode. There was also an online mode where up to six players could compete in a race, and eight players could compete in a Crash event. In online races, aggression was lowered down when compared to Single Player. Racers must focus on good drifts and avoiding traffic, not just takedowns, in order to win. This gave the online mode a different feel from Single Player. There is a racing variant known as Road Rage where players are divided into two teams. The blue team receives a three second head start and must drive a certain number of miles without being eliminated by being taken down. The red team attempts to takedown the blue team before they reach the finish line. On April 15, 2010, EA pulled the plug on the online servers, shutting them down for both the PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions of the game. Xbox Live for the original Xbox was completely shut down on the same day.
Main article: Burnout 3 soundtrack
The soundtrack for Burnout 3: Takedown features 44 songs, which includes "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" by My Chemical Romance, "Breathing" by Yellowcard, "This Fire" by Franz Ferdinand, "Saccharine Smile" by Donots, "Always You" by Amber Pacific and "Memory" by Sugarcult. "Lazy Generation" by The F-Ups is the game's opening song. Songs are played through "Crash FM", the game's radio station with commentary from DJ Stryker from alternative radio station KROQ-FM in Los Angeles. Alternatively, Burnout 3 supports user created soundtracks on the Xbox with the usage of the Xbox hard drive.
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